Happy Habitat Blog



– Saves your time

– Saves your money

– Functional and modern solutions (new ideas based on analysis and market offerings)

– Practical and useful tips (where to buy, what to buy, where to save, where it is important to invest more)

– Positioning of furniture in the space according to the rules of the profession, meaningfully and functionally

– Detailed cost estimations and planning of investment in the renovation or refurbishment

– Development of conceptual design

– The possibility of a complete organization of the project – from the initial idea, through the execution to supervision

– Development of Construction Design

– Development of detailed projects (lighting installation, ..) with authorized, licensed professionals

– Creation of support squares for you and everyone who is staying in the space that is being designed

– Feng Shui analysis of space

– Suggestions, tips, recommendations (contacts – database of vendor)

– Furniture design




  • Establishing the project – setting up of the project (what the client wants as the final result of the project)
  • Conceptual solution (designer ideas for designing the space)
  • conceptual design (detailed developed project with all the components according to which the client can continue decorating or renovating himself)
  • Detailed project (installation projects, lighting, electricity depending on what is done in the space)
  • Performance project (execution of tasks according to the preliminary project)
  • Cost estimate (detailed elaboration of costs)
  • Monitoring of task performance and consultation (surveillance)
  • Possible additional tasks (e.g. furniture design)
  • Recording of the existing situation and creation of basis in scale (floor plans and drawings)
  • Visits of the furniture salons, sales offices, showrooms and bathroom equipment stores etc. with the client
  • Participation in the collection of bids and selection of the best contractor
  • Counseling on the possible needs for professionals from other fields




Interior designer is the one who by reviewing the current state of the building (it does not matter what kind of building it is) sets the task i.e. the project that encompasses the wishes and directions of the client. The designer uses conceptual solutions to create the conceptual design (implementation of new ideas into the existing, present situation) according to which detailed projects and performance project are done. Also, the interior designer is the one who runs and organizes the contractors and offers supervision services while performing these tasks. Interior design is not just a final step, i.e. decorating, but a task of complete adaptation of the object, provided that all actors involved in the adaptation process have the required legal authorizations and licenses. What will ultimately be perceived as “comfortable space”, “space with good energy,” “nice place” actually is a carefully thought-out design.



The interior designer is the one who is familiar with the legal regulation, aware of the steps and processes, who knows where to save and where to invest more. The one who knows the suppliers, has the contacts and the database of vendors, the one who educates himself about new trends, materials, design solutions and new technical knowledge. With regards to quality knowledge and experience, knowledge of art and their values, knowledge of décor and materials, knowledge of the current market offer, the one who will offer modern and functional solutions. The one who is capable of creating a space that suits our needs, which positively affects people who stay in it, a space that is pleasing to our eye.


The interior designer’s job is to work with architects, builders, engineers, various designers, suppliers of furniture, carpenters, locksmiths, tilers, flooring installers, plumbers, masons, and of course, investors.